Jungle… Because London is a concrete jungle

One album that would surmise my first student London experience would be Jungle’ s debut album. Jungle is a native London band that blew up and has been praised for its musical talents. As I listen to its music I’m immediately brought back to the times when I would walk up Upper Street in Angel, or when winter came rolling in (hello pitch dark at 5pm) and I would walk home to Rosebery from LSE. I don’t know, everytime I listen to Jungle’s songs I feel propelled into the center of the city, in the midst of a concrete jungle, a beautiful architectural jungle… Ahh there’s just so much energy that comes from the duo’s songs and it perfectly reflects the dynamic energy levels of London. Oh those memories walking down Lincoln Inn’s Field,  High Holborn Street or Aldywch, Grey’s Inn Road, Clerkenwell Rd, Rosebery Avenue and finally Exmouth Market and just feeling a surge in energy with Jungle’s smooth melodies infiltrating my ears..

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